Trust The System

So I like have this system I use with my online girls. It’s hard to explain but it goes something like this… – You lift heavy things in a safe manner. – You do some low intensity cardio. – You stop eating shit and eat real food for the musclezzz. The result? You start to…

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30 Days Is All It Takes

I had a coaching call the other day with one of my online girls – yes, even on a public holiday for the Queens Birthday. She felt like she has completely lost the plot with her training and nutrition. She knows what she has to do – because I’ve taught her. But implementing it was…

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Back Pain During Donkey Kicks? (QUICK FIX)

If you experience lower back pain… … or you feel the glute isn’t working as hard as it should during donkey kicks then today’s post is for you. You’re going to discover a quick fix called the ‘3 inch weight shift’ This will instantly fix that lower back pain and turn on that glute like never…

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The Wake Up Call You Need

Today’s message is going to sting a little bit. It may even be a hard pill for you to swallow. But it’s going to give you the reality check you need to break through your barriers so that you can have an amazing body and life. Here it is… Your body, health & fitness does…

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Girls Who Squat (DO THIS THE NEXT DAY)

A common problem for most girls who lift that are trying to improve their back squat numbers is as their weight starts to climb – so do little niggly injuries. I’ve got a 4 minute post squat routine for you It’s called body tempering by Donnie Thompson and it will help you remain injury free so…

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Creatine For Girls Who Lift (DOESN’T CAUSE BLOATING)

One of my online girls was getting some serious bloating. We couldn’t figure out why because her nutrition was on track. Anyway I took a stab in the dark and we changed her creatine supplement because it has been known to cause bloating (despite what the studies suggest) We changed it to Con-Cret by ProMera…

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Weak Bench Press? (NOT ANYMORE)

As mention in the video – here’s the link where you can get free early bird access to the Strong Curves workout program. Out of the big 3 (squat, bench and deadlift) the bench press is the hardest to develop for most girls who lift. But not anymore (smiley face)… In the video above I’m…

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