7 Things I’d Do If I Were You (WHEN YOU’VE LOST THE PLOT)
Last month I really lost the plot. I went through one of these phases where I had zero motivation. I felt completely confused about what to do when it came to my nutrition and training. It’s funny how sometimes, even when we have the program, knowledge, and nothing to stop us… We still manage to…
Core Training Secret (INSTANT RESULTS)
Do you do endless amounts of core and notice very little improvements? Here’s a slight adjustment you can make that will INSTANTLY make your core work pay off. I’m going to introduce you a little rule that both Dan John and Ian King taught me… If it’s important to you. Do it first. In other…
How to Trick Yourself into Doing Exercises You Dislike
Do you have a list of exercises you hate doing but know you should do? Core? Push ups? Burpees? I know I certainly do. Following on from yesterday’s post where I talked about having FUN with your workouts. I’ll openly admit that there are still some things you may have to do that you don’t…
1 Tip to Regain Motivation to Exercise
“Grant! Help me I don’t know what to do anymore”. I could hear her getting choked up as she was explaining her situation to me. Before coming to me she had hired a trainer to put her though a transformation program. She loved to lift and was super dedicated to building a hot lean curvy…
Practice Makes Perfect (BOTH GOOD & BAD)
This popped up on my Facebook feed today and it got me thinking… Not only can we practice things that move us closer towards our goals – training and nutrition for example. We can also practice things that move us away from our goals – self sabotage, negative talk and excuses. We can PERFECT them…
I Got This One Online Client
I’m not going to mention her name. But it starts with a “Steph” and ends with a “anie”. This lady… – Has a coaching call with me every month and has never missed a call. – Checks in and emails me a weekly review of her training and nutrition. – Eats real food and lots…
The Domino Effect
Everything you do either takes you closer or further away from your goals. Even the stuff that has nothing to do with your goals. For example last Thursday night I went to bed late. So the next morning I woke up groggy and late for a meeting. Also I missed lunch because I didn’t have…