Today’s message is going to sting a little bit.
It may even be a hard pill for you to swallow.
But it’s going to give you the reality check you need to break through your barriers so that you can have an amazing body and life.
Here it is…
Your body, health & fitness does not care about your excuses.
Whether it’s time…
You don’t feel you have the right resources…
You’re waiting for the perfect moment…
Or if you’re waiting for permission.
Doesn’t matter how good your excuse is, your body simply doesn’t care.
In 30 days’ time you could actually be 2-3 kilos heavier. 1-2 pant sizes bigger and feeling terrible about yourself if you continue down this path.
On the other hand…
In 30 days’ time you could be 1-2 kilos lighter. 1-2 pant sizes smaller and feeling great about your body and life.
But this will only happen if you drop the excuse.
I know you can do it.
All it takes is ONE action – starting today – that will move you closer towards your goal.
You’re only one workout away from starting.
You’re only one meal away from starting.
You’re only one conversation away from starting.
It’s the simplest way I know to get yourself together and out of the excuse rut.
What’s the ONE action you’re going to take today?