Glute Bridges, Bench Press & Upper Body Workouts

Had a great response to the 60 Day Case Study program I announced in my previous email (little overwhelmed with the response actually). Thank you for your patience if I haven’t replied back yet, I’m setting some email time aside tomorrow to get through them all. Oh by the way, if you missed that email,…

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Squat Strength, Squat Depth and Deadlifts

Bit of a slow week this week, no exciting news, unfortunately. Well I did get some carpet installed on my gym floor, to help with the cold, but that’s about it lol Anyways, here’s my top 3 Tik Tok videos from last week that you might find helpful for your own training. Also, you don’t…

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Deadlifts, Hip Thrusts and Squatty RDL

Hope you’ve had a good start to the week. I managed to have a great training session yesterday – RDLS, leg curls and reverse nordics. I normally don’t train on Monday but I had some time. Anyways, here’s my top 3 Tik Tok videos from last week that you might find helpful for your own…

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Bent Over Rows, Mansplaining and Back Squats

I have been putting a lot of time and effort into TikTok for the last couple months, posting 3-4 videos per day. People have really been enjoying my feedback videos, so I thought it would be a good idea to send you the top 3 videos from the last couple of weeks as I think…

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Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Others to Push You

Mikarla states: “I need someone to push me!” My response: no you don’t. Here’s why… P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 more ways I can help you: 1. Grab a free copy of my new workout program, Athletic Curves If you’ve been exercising more and eating less and still stuck in a plateau then…

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Nutrition is Up & Down But Happy With Results

Kellie asks: “My nutrition is up and down. I eat good and I’m seeing results but I also want to lose the rest of my baby belly and I cant. I feel I should do a meal plan but I don’t like boring I want to eat variety of foods – what should I do?”…

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Muscle Soreness = Workout Success?

Gemma-Lea asks: “Should I measure the success of my workouts based on how sore I am?” P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 more ways I can help you: 1. Grab a free copy of my new workout program, Athletic Curves If you’ve been exercising more and eating less and still stuck in a plateau…

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