Category Archives: Uncategorized

Glute Bridges, Bench Press & Upper Body Workouts

Had a great response to the 60 Day Case Study program I announced in my previous email (little overwhelmed with the response actually). Thank you for your patience if I haven’t replied back yet, I’m setting some email time aside tomorrow to get through them all. Oh by the way, if you missed that email,…

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Squat Strength, Squat Depth and Deadlifts

Bit of a slow week this week, no exciting news, unfortunately. Well I did get some carpet installed on my gym floor, to help with the cold, but that’s about it lol Anyways, here’s my top 3 Tik Tok videos from last week that you might find helpful for your own training. Also, you don’t…

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Deadlifts, Hip Thrusts and Squatty RDL

Hope you’ve had a good start to the week. I managed to have a great training session yesterday – RDLS, leg curls and reverse nordics. I normally don’t train on Monday but I had some time. Anyways, here’s my top 3 Tik Tok videos from last week that you might find helpful for your own…

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Bent Over Rows, Mansplaining and Back Squats

I have been putting a lot of time and effort into TikTok for the last couple months, posting 3-4 videos per day. People have really been enjoying my feedback videos, so I thought it would be a good idea to send you the top 3 videos from the last couple of weeks as I think…

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My Nutrition Secret For Girls Who Lift

There are a lot of diet plans and courses out there that tell you what to do to get great results.   So you go to the grocery store, buy all the food from the shopping list and go home to prepare your food for the week — just like what the plan told you to do.…

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7 Things I’d Do If I Were You (WHEN YOU’VE LOST THE PLOT)

Last month I really lost the plot. I went through one of these phases where I had zero motivation. I felt completely confused about what to do when it came to my nutrition and training. It’s funny how sometimes, even when we have the program, knowledge, and nothing to stop us… We still manage to…

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