Category Archives: Motivation for Girls Who Lift
You’re Missing Out on 48 Hours of Fat Loss
Yes, you read that correctly. There’s at least 30% of your week where you have turned your fat burning switch completely off. Want to know how to turn it back on? It’s quite simple really. Fix up your weekends. The weekend is that 48 hours where most girls undo everything they have been working hard…
Small Efforts = Success
Body transformation success is the sum of small efforts repeated daily. Too many girls who lift are still looking for that ‘1 thing’. You know what I’m talking bout – “if all you did was this 1 thing you’ll achieve your dream transformation”. I’ll never forget this one client who dropped everything with her training…
1 Tip to Regain Motivation to Exercise
“Grant! Help me I don’t know what to do anymore”. I could hear her getting choked up as she was explaining her situation to me. Before coming to me she had hired a trainer to put her though a transformation program. She loved to lift and was super dedicated to building a hot lean curvy…
Practice Makes Perfect (BOTH GOOD & BAD)
This popped up on my Facebook feed today and it got me thinking… Not only can we practice things that move us closer towards our goals – training and nutrition for example. We can also practice things that move us away from our goals – self sabotage, negative talk and excuses. We can PERFECT them…
I Got This One Online Client
I’m not going to mention her name. But it starts with a “Steph” and ends with a “anie”. This lady… – Has a coaching call with me every month and has never missed a call. – Checks in and emails me a weekly review of her training and nutrition. – Eats real food and lots…
The Domino Effect
Everything you do either takes you closer or further away from your goals. Even the stuff that has nothing to do with your goals. For example last Thursday night I went to bed late. So the next morning I woke up groggy and late for a meeting. Also I missed lunch because I didn’t have…
This Was Hard For Me To Share
You’ve probably heard this before… The top 5 people you hang around the most will reflect your beliefs, thoughts and actions. In other words if you hang 5 bank robbers you’ll become the 6th. If you hang 5 successful people you’ll become the 6th. I guess why I almost didn’t email you this because it…