Category Archives: Mindset for Girls Who Lift

The Magic Pill

I’ll never forget this one client who dropped everything with her training and nutrition to take up this ‘one thing’. You know, if all you did was this one thing you’ll achieve your dream transformation. For her, it happened to be a detox at the time which had her do nothing but drink the special…

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The Secret to Female Fat Loss & Fitness Success…

This video walks you a major secret to female fat loss and fitness success. You can watch it above. I think you’ll really enjoy this, as it’s an insight I received from one of my clients that’s been working for her. Enjoy! Grant

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girls who lift

The Most Common Weight Loss Mistake Girls Who Lift Make

Here’s what happened: 1. The other day I had a conversation with a person who applied for my 5 Kilo Challenge. 2. She struggles with staying on the ‘weight loss wagon’ – you know – really inconsistent with her exercise and diet. 3. Turns out she makes the most common weight loss mistake girls who…

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