RDLS, Back Squats & 2 Workouts

Hope you have had a good start to the week.

We kicked off a new July case study program this week so most of my time has been spent on the program and onboarding the new ladies. Always fun and exciting times!

Anyways, here’s my top 3 Tik Tok videos from last week that you might find helpful for your own training.

Also, you don’t need a TikTok account to watch the videos 🙂

1. RDL Shin Angle

If you do RDLS and cannot figure out why you’re feeling too much hamstring and not enough glute, then this video is for you! I’ll walk you through what shin angle you need to have if you want to bias the hamstrings or the glutes…

RDL shin angle < click here to watch

2. Rib Flare, Ab Bracing and Back Squats

If you experience back pain when back squatting there’s a chance you have too much of a rib flare and cannot brace your abs correctly. In this video you’ll discover my favourite drill to help you squat correctly…

How to brace the abs when back squatting <click here to watch

3. Two Workout Options

Can you only get to the gym 3 or 4 times per week? In this video you will discover two of my favorite workout options based on your weekly schedule.

2 Workouts for Women <click here to watch

Talk soon,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 2 more ways I can help you:

1. Grab a free copy of my new workout program, Athletic Curves

If you’ve been exercising more and eating less and still stuck in a plateau then you need the simple 4 week workout that builds a strong, fit and athletic hourglass figure. Download your copy here.

2. Join GWL with Grant connect with girls who lift from around the world

It’s our new free Facebook group where girls who lift from all around the world can chat, learn and inspire each other. Click here to join.

About The Author

Grant Lofthouse

Grant Lofthouse is personal trainer with over 10 years experience who helps his clients break fat loss, muscle building and strength plateaus by using simple strength and nutrition systems.